The company Klimek-Plast in its present form exists since 2001. The resulting transformation of family business, whose traditions date back to the 70s. Acquired experience and high quality products have established position on the market.
Klimek-Plast specializes in plastics processing offering its customers products and services using a variety of technologies. Injection molding, thermoforming, extrusion, design and manufacture of molds are the main segments of the business. High quality products and applied technologies enabled the company to become a recognized producer of parts for baby carriages and other industries. Production of strategic projections may be found on the markets of many countries.
The dynamic development and constant modernization of production lines also forced a change of headquarters.
In 2014, Klimek-Plast opens plant in Czestochowa. The new headquarters has allowed not only to improve produkacji or implementation of new technologies. Logistics facilities and focus on communication with customers has become the key to higher standards of service.